Known by different names such as Multilevel Marketing, Affiliate Marketing – Network Marketing is a popular and successful business model to drive sales. The beauty of network marketing is that it is transparent and flexible, allowing a person to get through the sales funnel in a coherent and seamless manner. The added flexibility makes it ideal even in a work-from-home scenario. Simply put, networking marketing is a way of direct selling products via word-of-mouth to customers while cutting out middlemen. Because of this open and simple system of doing business, it garners a lot of popularity among homemakers and part-time workers. This is not to say that direct selling or multilevel marketing does not make for a great full-time profession.
The Network Marketing Process
There are basically 3 stages to any network marketing operation.
Lead Generation
Finding new customers is the primary objective in any networking marketing venture. Through your networks – extended family and friends circle – you can always generate new leads and find people that are interested in the products that you sell.
Network Expansion
Adding new clients and prospects to your circle is the next logical step to ensure proper growth. Sponsoring new networkers can be advantageous to your business, because more manpower leads to more business. But a word of caution: If the individuals joining your network do not buy or sell products, then that tantamount to pyramiding and is an unethical business practice!
Holding on to your team by motivating them with periodic training programmes and team-building activities is the sustainable way of doing business. Your core team needs to stay consistent throughout your direct selling journey to get optimum results every time.
The Network Marketing Business Model
Many popular companies in the world have achieved success with the network marketing business model. Some of the famous names are Amway, Tupperware, Avon and Herbalife; their brand value is something that is coveted because of their enormous success. There is no big secret with these companies, it is only that by making their products exclusive to the open market, they drive demand. By word-of-mouth marketing, and now with digital marketing, your brand could reach more eyes and ears worldwide. Direct selling is slowly becoming a dependable mode of sustainable income for hundreds of thousands of households in India alone. Globally, that number is far greater. It is safe to say that networking marketing will have a larger impact on the world economy in the coming years, because studies suggest that the direct selling industry will double in market valuation by 2025.
The Merits of Direct Selling
Apart from the fact that direct selling requires no prior experience, it is one of the most approachable avenues of doing business. With flexible working hours and achievable goals, direct sellers can harness the power of network marketing to step up the ladder one tier at a time. The best part about direct selling is that it requires no investment or buy-in. Anybody telling you otherwise is only trying to dupe you. Direct selling, especially with a company like QNET, entails membership – not recruitment. You join as an Independent Representative, build your team and sell the products – it is as simple as that. Every direct seller has his or her own strengths and weaknesses.
People have different styles of management, so you can use your own approach to reach your targets while also pushing your team to do better at every opportunity. Expanding your network, both socially and digitally, is key to your progress; so is supporting your team through thick and thin to keep morale high. You are only as good as your team and network marketing works wonders when you work together as a team.
Reasons Why Network Marketing Is Here to Stay
The future of direct selling and network marketing is brighter than ever. With more and more people joining the direct seller profession, there will be safety in numbers. Direct selling, to quote from market experts, is too big to fail. Finally, there is a system that works well even without traditional business practices. Here are some reasons why network marketing is surely the future of doing business.
- You have the freedom to choose your own goals and set your targets. There is no fixed number to achieve at every step of the way. Direct sellers earn incentives based on the sales that they make.
- Working flexible hours and only being a direct seller part-time is an actual possibility.
- What you see is what you get – your performance directly translates to your remuneration.
- Being your own boss – as a direct seller, you answer only to yourself and work closely with your team. It is not employment; it is essential your own business.
- The exposure you gain as a direct seller can propel you to greater heights as an entrepreneur.
Direct Selling with QNET
QNET is one of the biggest e-commerce based direct selling companies in the world. With an extensive range of products under categories of health & wellness, personal care & beauty, home & living and watches & jewellery, QNET is an accomplished player in the arena. QNET products are purposed to improve the health and lifestyle of people. The Nutriplus range of health products promote a proactive lifestyle because your health should be your priority. QNET India also features Kinnari Jewellery for women and CHAIROS watches for men and women – both world-class brands that bring timeless beauty and style to your fashion wardrobe. Partnerships with international brands like SHARP and KENT bring you top-of-the-line air purifiers and water purifiers for your homes. QNET has achieved all of this with the direct selling business model.
Apart from the amazing products, QNET provides individuals the opportunity to become an entreprenuer in this challenging yet exciting network marketing journey. Over a period of time, as a QNET Distributor you will sharpen your business acumen and become more innovative in your approach to build teams and sustain them. All in all, QNET is a brand that focusses on empowerment rather than employment. For more information about the QNET Compensation Plan, visit – Best Business To Start Is With QNET Direct Selling (